Friday, June 11, 2010


you have some sort of 
ill-placed faith
that i will rise again for you

you have some sort of 
viral belief
that the true me's locked within

you have some sort of
that i'll make you what you weren't

you have some sort of
misled fiction
playing out that you've not created this

i have some sort of 
painful wish
that you will be proud of your child

i have some sort of 
malnourished dream
of being valued for who i am

i have some sort of
pibroch song
playing for all you warned me against

i have some sort of 
you within me
keeping me trapped in "potential."

when all i want is kinetic...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


small eyes, fragile limbs
bright smile, curls of burnished gold
skin like snowy china
twirling, radiant happiness
black and white world of color
she makes it
silence that sings like a child
to me across time
the mother who has always been there
dancing, singing, smiling 

Monday, June 7, 2010


tarot cards come out
and the leaves sink slowly
in the blood stained water
a scent of ethereal potential mists through

imploring divinations i sat 
as i felt the cold metal
wrap seeming tighter
the inscription a brand full of doubt

all the books in my bookcase
and my glasses on the table
all the machines around me
and not a candle in the house

the king of swords, the fool,
the ten of wands, and Ruin
and floating the hanged man
never have i longed so for death

all the books in my bookcase
and my glasses on the night stand
all the laptops, televisions, the phones
and not a piece of chalk or bone

it all depends on him, she said
with hazy eyes and foggy voice
and i lost hope because you are
the reason i came to her

late nights at work
streaked with inception of questions
darker than the liquor in the cup,
leaves screaming broken rings and lies

all my studies kept me from the truth
and without the glasses, your honest face
all the distractions you use to escape
and it took a sideshow stranger
to show me the proof i held

princess of pentacles ill-dignified,
i paid her with the ring