Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm sitting here wondering where the time went. Not recent time but holy time; the type of time that you sit up and take notice of as you experience it.  The type of time that you know you'll regret inevitably saying good-bye to and the type of time that no other time can seem to match.  It's the time filled with friends, new relationships, confidantes, realities you had never glimpsed before now laid out before you, shiny, new and promising.  It's the time of drama, theatricality, the rush of blood to the cheeks for countless reasons.  It's the time of loss and gain, of realization and grudging setting aside.  It's the time of falling in love because you knew you could fall and be caught by something other than vanity or pride.  It's the time of kisses, breath, confessionals and sins repented and revisited.

I'm sitting here wondering where that time is now. The current is rushing past me but I am static, working hard to remember enough to will that time to rise again, to hold me, caress my skin, look deep into my eyes and reassure me it's still there, always will be, beside and together and one with me. 

I'm sitting here in absentia, and that time is moving on without me, carving wakes in the waters of my hope, a horizon beyond mocking me and my longing for a time I had you with me, making moments of our own.


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